Our Core Businesses


Welcome to Iftitah Solutions!

Iftitah Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd distribute Medical Instrument and Scientific & Analytical Instrument. We also provide application and technical supports.

Iftitah Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd is actively introducing new technologies to complement our existing product line, as well as performing seminar and workshop for new applications.

If you need more information about our products, please select on the Interest Solutions on the site. For more general inquiries, you can find our contact info on the Reach Us page

In the News

Iftitah Solutions Obtained GDPMD Certification

As stipulated in the Medical Device Act 2012, establishments in Malaysia dealing with medical device must attain GDPMD status to demonstrate its ability to maintain quality, safety and performance of medical devices throughout the value chain.

Iftitah Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd is proud to informed that we have successfully obtained the Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices (GDPMD) certification by Med-Cert, a registered Conformity Assessment Body with the Medical Device Authority of Malaysia.

The GDPMD certification underlines Iftitah Solution’s dedication to quality and compliance to further strengthen capabilities and service offerings to our principals and clients.
